R packages

An R package that extends the functionality of other plotting packages like ggplot2 and lattice to help facilitate the plotting of data over long time intervals, including, but not limited to, geological, evolutionary, and ecological data. The primary goal of 'deeptime' is to enable users to add highly customizable timescales to their visualizations. Other functions are also included to assist with other areas of deep time visualization.

An R package developed by palaeobiologists, for palaeobiologists. The aim of palaeoverse is to generate a community-driven software package of generic functions for the palaeobiology community. The package does not provide implementations of statistical analyses, rather it provides auxiliary functions to help streamline analyses and improve code readability and reproducibility.

An R package that allows users to add silhouettes of organisms from the PhyloPic website to plots generated in base R and ggplot2. rphylopic was originally developed and maintained by Scott Chamberlain. From ver. 1.0.0, the package is now developed and maintained by myself and Lewis A. Jones from the Palaeoverse team.

An R package that streamlines and improves accessibility to the geological database Macrostrat. The package provides functionality for querying the database via the dedicated application programming interface (API) and retrieving various geological data (e.g., lithostratigraphic units) and definitions/metadata associated with those data and Macrostrat more broadly.

An R package to access the 'IUCN' Red List API. The 'IUCN' Red List is a global list of threatened and endangered species. Functions cover all of the Red List 'API' routes. An 'API' key is required. rredlist was originally developed and maintained by Scott Chamberlain. From ver. 1.0.0, the package is now developed and maintained by me.

An R package that provides various tools to help with performing phylogenetic comparative methods and curating/visualizing the results.
Other software
A shiny app that hosts a database for Schizomida, an order of arachnids known as short-tailed whip-scorpions. Shiny apps are usually hosted on servers (e.g., shinyapps.io) or are shared as packages and run locally with R, but this shiny app is hosted via GitHub pages here using the latest webr infrastructure. This means there are absolutely no server fees and the webapp can be run anywhere a user can access the internet and on any device with a web browser. Aside from taking a few seconds to load, I think it works brilliantly!
A website to help manage the logistics of large short-term educational programs, managed by Learning Unlimited. I make and manage contributions to the repository.
The code that produces this website, hosted by Github Pages.