
Previous course history

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

  • In 2020 I led an informal reading/working group on the use of phylogenetic comparative methods to study evolutionary and ecological systems and questions.

Stanford University

GS 4: Coevolution of Earth and Life

  • Head teaching assistant, lecturer

GS 123/223: Paleobiology/Evolution of Marine Ecosystems

  • Teaching assistant, in charge of lab sections
  • Developed and taught a new lab curriculum focused on hands-on learning with fossil specimens and statistical programming exercises (available upon request)

GS 128/228: Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems

  • Head teaching assistant, revised lab exercises that I co-developed during the previous year, co-taught lab sections
  • Co-developed and co-taught a new lab curriculum focused on hands-on learning with zoological and paleontological specimens and data analysis exercises (available upon request)